The case no
Hearing date
Details |
Judgment / decision
50/2015 |
10-06-2015 Date of the verdict 10-06-2015
The plaintiff- Manohar Ali Sardar, the father-deceased Minnat Ali. Sung-North Dalu Muslim Para The defendants - Mohammad Azad, Md. Abdul Malek, Sang-north Dulu Muslim Para Nur Islam, son of the plaintiff Manohar Ali, was watching TV and watching TV. Azad Azad asked to sit down and said, "Noor, who left Islam, left the house." At the stage of Azad Noor Islam beat punk, Nour Islam also beat. |
Md. Azad fined Tk 2000 / -, Md. Noor Islam 1000/1000 fine, Md. Mostafa 1000/1000 fine. Collected 4000- 4000 taka by collecting bank accounts and receipt of collection. |
52/2015 |
10-06-2015 Date of the verdict 10-06-2015
The plaintiff - Md. Sirajul Islam, father: Dead Othman Haji. Sanga - Dinechari The defendant - Md. Billal Hossain, Father Zamindar A Khalek, Sang-Dinechari The defendant Md. Billal Hossain pledged Tk 4000 / - four thousand taka to commit the sale of wood to Mohammad Sirajul Islam. Later, the bidder did not return the money given to the defendant plaintiff |
The defendant was asked to come to the negotiation with the return of 4000 / - four thousand taka from the plaintiff. |
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS